
How to Calculate the Shear Force for a Punching Tool for Thin Materials

I will now show you a very simple formula to calculate the shear force for a high turret punching tool. From my experience, the accuracy of this formula is sufficient […]

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La punzonatura da coil efficiente Dalcos

The efficient coil-fed Punching

Dalcos Coil Punching Machines – Saving Raw Materials, Parametric Programming, and High Production Speed Punching technology from coils has been a specialty of the Dallan group for thirty years: today, […]

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Dalcos Punching Machines

Dalcos coil-fed punching machines: raw material savings, parametric programming, and high-speed production

Coil-fed punching technology has been a specialty of the Dallan group for thirty years. Nowadays, they are even more efficient, versatile, and productive. If you produce using sheet-fed punching machines […]

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Sustainability and Cash Flow of Efficient processes - Dalcos

Coil Punching Machines – Sustainability and Cash Flow of Efficient processes 

Solving the problem of process efficiency has two positive effects.  First of all, introducing coil-fed processing into the process – as we’ve seen – produces raw material savings that can […]

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Coil-fed Punching Dalcos

Coil-fed punching machines: maximum efficiency in the metal sheet working

Written by Andrea Dallan Upon arriving in June 2000, my father entrusted me with the management and growth of Dalcos, one of the companies he had founded in the meantime. […]

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Dalcos EXN II Coil punching machine

Punching machines for sheet metal coil

Punching machines are widely used for creating holes, notches and embossed features on sheet metal. Traditionally, punching machines work from metal sheets that move in the X and Y direction […]

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Coil-fed Punching versus Sheet-fed Punching machine and Press

We’re accompanied by Andrea Dallan in this new video as we take a look at the different systems for punching flat sheets and the relative quantities of products, manufactured in […]

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